- Grasilda Blažienė
Lietuvių kalbos institutas - Darius Ivoška
Lietuvių kalbos institutas
- Pavel Skorupa
Lietuvių kalbos institutas
This workshop is dedicated to synchronic and diachronic research on Baltic onomastics.
Suggested topics:
- The formation strategies, origins, and semantics of proper names
- The development and present-day situation ofonomastic research methodologies and terminologies
- The understanding and breadth of the object of onomastics in the 21stcentury
- Cognitive research concerning Baltic onyms
- Baltic onomastics in the context of linguistic, cultural, social, and political processes
- Time and its relevance to the survival of proper names
- The language-contact aspect of Baltic onomastic research
- Proper name usage in virtual spaces
The tradition of Baltic onomastic research has been shaped by decades of methodological and theoretical approaches. These are still today being modified with new research principles as well as new perspectives on the gathering and presentation of material. Traditional-style research remains relevant and important, while newer branches reflect the effects of scientific and social development and their impact on the understanding of onomastics. For that reason it becomes necessary not only to review current research methods but to supplement the terminology.
The elucidation of proper names’ structure, origin and semantics with special attention to their geopolitical, cultural, and social context remains the foundation of historical and areal Baltic onomastic research. In diachronic research, the changes in proper names prove especially important, from their earliest recordings to the standardized versions in official use today. The chronology and developmental patterns of onyms are the central axis of their research. For this workshop we seek papers providing new insight from onomastic studies in all Baltic languages, which give appropriate attention not only to synchronic but also to diachronic factors. We invite researchers interested in ethnically/culturally heterogeneous areas to present on the topics of language contact and interactions.
The cognitive outlook on onyms has found its place in alternative and comprehensive onomastic studies due to a wide spectrum of searches for semantics and motivation. Alongside it the reality of urbanization, economic changes, new forms of communication, etc., has created the conditions for the newest branches of onomastics. Papers on these topics are also welcome.
We hope that such a concept will encourage Balticists from Lithuania and abroad to gather for constructive scientific discussion and share the results, hypotheses, and topics of their research as well as help them to find answers and solutions for relevant questions and problems. Close collaboration between onomasticians is this workshop’s priority.
Abstract submission:
If you would like to submit a paper for this workshop, please fill out the abstract submission form.